Installing & Setting up the Symfony Framework

by Naishad Vaghani Apr 04, 2024 Total Views: 83

Technical Requirements:

  • Install PHP 8.2 or higher along with required PHP extensions.
  • Install Composer.
  • Optionally, install Symfony CLI for helpful tools.

Creating Symfony Applications:

  • Use Symfony CLI or Composer to create a new Symfony project.

For Symfony CLI:

symfony new my_project_directory --version="7.0.*" --webapp 

Or for Composer:

composer create-project symfony/skeleton:"7.0.*" my_project_directory 
cd my_project_directory 
composer require webapp 

Setting up an Existing Symfony Project:

  • Get the project code (e.g., via Git clone).
  • Install dependencies with Composer:
cd my-project/ composer install 
  • Customize .env file and perform other project-specific tasks.

Running Symfony Applications:

  • For local development, use Symfony's built-in web server:
cd my-project/ symfony server:start 

Access the application in your browser at http://localhost:8000/.

Symfony Docker Integration:

  • If you prefer Docker, check Symfony's Docker integration documentation.

Installing Packages (Symfony Flex):

  • Use Symfony Flex to simplify package installation:
cd my-project/ composer require <package_name> 

Checking Security Vulnerabilities:

  • Use Symfony CLI to check for security vulnerabilities:
symfony check:security 

This command checks for known security vulnerabilities in your project's dependencies.

Symfony LTS Versions:

  • Use --version option to specify Symfony version:
symfony new my_project_directory --version="7.0.*" 

Or when using Composer:

composer create-project symfony/skeleton:"7.0.*" my_project_directory 

Symfony Demo Application:

  • Symfony provides a Demo Application for learning purposes:
symfony new my_project_directory --demo 

Once you've followed these steps, your Symfony 7.0 project should be set up and ready for development.

Tags: symfony7.0 PHP 8.2 Composer

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for detail. With over five years of experience in the tech industry, Damy has honed his skills in developing cutting-edge software solutions for various clients across different sectors. His expertise lies in full-stack web development, where he excels in languages such as JavaScript, Python, and Java.

- Naishad Vaghani