Tale of React

by Divya Borda Apr 10, 2024 Total Views: 81

long long time ago, a man arose,

Known as React, his legend grows.

His father, Jordan Walke, by name,

Instilled in him a vision, a flame.

Quick to change, without a page's reload,

Employment found, his skills unfurled,

For React's architecture, a gem in the world.

Component-based, its beauty lies,

Breaking UIs into pieces, to everyone's surprise.

Complexity tamed, with each component's grace,

In React's realm, creativity finds its place.

After sometimes, another tale unfolds,

Of a bond with Redux, a story often told.

For Redux, like a companion, stands by its side,

In managing state, it becomes the guide.

React and Redux, a partnership profound,

As React crafts the view, Redux manages the ground.

With Redux's store, state flows seamlessly,

React components render, harmoniously.

Through actions dispatched, and reducers true,

Redux updates state, a task it does pursue.

React listens keenly, to state changes near,

Refreshing UIs, without a single tear.

Together they dance, in perfect sync,

A duo unmatched, in the world of link.

In React's realm of components, Redux finds its place,

A partnership timeless, in the coding space.

Tags: React Poetry

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A passionate blogger with a flair for storytelling and a keen interest in exploring diverse topics ranging from poetry and writing to wellness and personal development. With a background and a love for words, I embarked on my blogging journey to share my experiences, insights, and discoveries with the world. It'll show my perspective on the world.

- Divya Borda
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